Twitter Tip: Personalize Your Profile

Before you read this post you have a little homework:

Setting Up Your Twitter Account! Simply go to Twitter and follow the steps.


Now comes the part of personalizing your profile. This is done through the Settings tab in Twitter.

Add your picture.

People will respond better to a human face behind your tweets. If you use your company logo, be sure to add context to your profile.

Include in your ‘One Line Bio’ information that describes what you do, who you are and your interests (keeping in mind you are limited to 160 characters!)

For example, The Social Woman’s profile looks something like this:


Where the bio information shows information about The Social Woman network.

Another example is: Sandy on Twitter where I have put more details about myself which gives people an idea of the things I’m interested in and allows people to relate to me.

Many people also put:
Wife/Mother, Husband/Father, Business Owner, Lifelong learner…
Be creative! The options are endless (well, within a 160 character limit =)

Not only does this put a human face behind your tweets, it also helps in attracting followers who share the same interests. Twitter is about building relationships..what better way then sharing a twidbit about yourself!

Go ahead now, share =)

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