I have a website! Why do I need a blog?

Most businesses these days have an online presence, in fact one could argue that if you can’t be found online it’s like you don’t exist! Having a web presence is essential whether you are a local or global business.

So I have a website..why do I need a blog then?

You can think of your website as your portfolio showcasing the products and services you are offering. Your portfolio won’t change often, therefore it won’t get indexed as often. By blogging you are creating content that is keyword rich and Google loves content.

Blogs are the single most important tool and if you are going to start anywhere with your social media strategy, start with a blog. Your blog is a way to showcase your expertise, and enhance your reputation as an authority in your niche. Your blog will serve as your hub and the center of your social media strategy and allow you to have content to syndicate on all the other platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

What do I blog about?

Clearly you are in business because you are providing a service or product that other people need or want. Blog about it!

I like Yoga and I offer Yoga classes. I could blog about the health benefits of yoga, yoga pose of the week, yoga for women, yoga for golfers and so on..

Denise Wakeman talked about the 4E’s of Blogging at the Social Media Summit and to consider the following categories before publishing:
Educate: with valuable tips and information that are particular to your niche.
Entertain: include stories about your own personal experiences
Engage: encourage your readers to leave comments
Enrich: your readers by showing them how they can save time, energy and even money by inspiring them with new ideas and ways of working.

Your homework: Think about your business and how you can use the 4E’s to engage your existing and potential customers.


2 responses to “I have a website! Why do I need a blog?

  1. I like your post. Great explanation!

  2. Thanks for the feedback, James!

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